
class lihzahrd.fileutils.FileReader(file: IO)

Helper class for deserializing a Terraria world file.


Return a tuple containing unpacked values.

Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer’s size in bytes must be Struct.size.

See help(struct) for more on format strings.


Return a tuple containing unpacked values.

Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer’s size in bytes must be Struct.size.

See help(struct) for more on format strings.


Return a tuple containing unpacked values.

Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer’s size in bytes must be Struct.size.

See help(struct) for more on format strings.


Return a tuple containing unpacked values.

Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer’s size in bytes must be Struct.size.

See help(struct) for more on format strings.


Return a tuple containing unpacked values.

Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer’s size in bytes must be Struct.size.

See help(struct) for more on format strings.


Return a tuple containing unpacked values.

Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer’s size in bytes must be Struct.size.

See help(struct) for more on format strings.


Return a tuple containing unpacked values.

Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer’s size in bytes must be Struct.size.

See help(struct) for more on format strings.


Return a tuple containing unpacked values.

Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer’s size in bytes must be Struct.size.

See help(struct) for more on format strings.


Return a tuple containing unpacked values.

Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer’s size in bytes must be Struct.size.

See help(struct) for more on format strings.


Return a tuple containing unpacked values.

Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer’s size in bytes must be Struct.size.

See help(struct) for more on format strings.


Return a tuple containing unpacked values.

Unpack according to the format string Struct.format. The buffer’s size in bytes must be Struct.size.

See help(struct) for more on format strings.

bool() → bool
datetime() → datetime.datetime
double() → float
int1() → int
int2() → int
int4() → int
int8() → int
read_until(address: int) → bytearray
rect() → lihzahrd.fileutils.rect.Rect
single() → float
skip_until(address: int) → None
string(size=None) → str
uint1() → int
uint2() → int
uint4() → int
uint8() → int
uleb128() → int
uuid() → uuid.UUID
class lihzahrd.fileutils.Rect(left, right, top, bottom)

Class delimining the bounds of a rectangle.

class lihzahrd.fileutils.Pointers(world_header: int, world_tiles: int, chests: int, signs: int, npcs: int, tile_entities: int, pressure_plates: int, town_manager: int, bestiary: int, journey_powers: int, footer: int, *unknown)

Pointers to the various sections of the Terraria save file.

All values are in number of bytes from the start.

class lihzahrd.fileutils.Coordinates(x, y)

A pair of coordinates.
